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About Travian

In Travian, a popular persistent browser-based real-time Strategy online game with a huge playerbase, players must recruit troops to create a formidable army and fight with allies to construct and expand their empires.

In this MMORTS you will be tasked with creating and upgrading mines and fields to obtain resources to enhance your soldiers and build structures. Construct and expand your village by creating buildings to enhance your empire’s infrastructure, research new technologies and make your armies more formidable.

Forge alliances and battle your enemies to fight your way onto the game’s leaderboard and earn weekly medals. Communicating with other players is key to resolving conflicts with enemies and making new friends.

Travian: Kingdoms, the new upgraded version of the popular game Travian offers offers exciting new features, enhanced graphics and game mechanics. This city-building MMORTS game will require strategic resource management and offers more customization than the original game. Travian: Kingdoms also allows you to customize their heroes with various equipment and build multiple cities to enhance your profit and military presence.

Players can choose one of three factions: the Gauls, Teutons or Romans. Each tribe offers a different playstyle including defensive and militant. Players experience with the original game may prefer to play as a king, as this role requires them to lead and organize military units, as well as expand their territory. New players may prefer the governor role, which requires them to help their kings by obtaining resources from robber hideouts and bolstering the kingdom’s economy. Players can join selective clans called secret societies or form alliances comprising up to seven kingdoms to tackle the game’s endgame content, which involves building a World Wonder. Your alliance can dominate its server by building their Wonder up to level 100.

Players can simultaneously play on Travian: Kingdoms and Travian 4.4 game worlds.

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Additional Information

Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.



Travian Games
Travian Games
Release Date
September 05, 2004
Web Browser

Travian Screenshots

Minimum System Requirements (Browser)

Travian is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.

If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Travian, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, or Internet Explorer.

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Travian Games and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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